I choose Partnership.
"But God has put all parts of our body together in the way that he decided is best. A body isn’t really a body, unless there is more than one part. It takes many parts to make a single body (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)."
Have you ever experienced the frustration of putting together a puzzle, only to discover in the end that a piece was missing? Even though that piece is just a tiny portion of the puzzle, its absence leaves a very noticeable flaw in the whole picture.
As a believer, you have an important job to do. You have a major role to play in the Church of Jesus Christ. And it's the job of every believer to rightly discern his or her role in the plan of God and to serve with enthusiasm — no matter what job God asks you to do.
Here is an important truth: The body works best when all its parts work together. As believers, we are all different. We have different gifts and abilities, and we have different jobs to do. But we all belong to the same body. A believer functions best when connected to other believers.
Partnership doesn't happen accidentally. You must intentionally pursue your place in the body of Christ. Eventually, you will find how He has gifted you and what you’re good at. Every part matters! And when you find your place and begin serving His church, you will discover great joy.
We want to see the church grow but it's not to boast in attendance numbers. As the church grows, it means more of God’s people to minster with! More members means more ministers because everyone has a part to play. You haven’t really joined a church until you have become a partner in ministry; filling a spot where you are needed; a role where you can serve.
I am chosen by God and I choose partnership. Father, I want to play my part, find my place in kingdom work, and use my abilities for Your glory. Renew my desire to serve You, God. Help me to let go of past disappointments, and forgive me for envying others’ abilities. I believe I am Your workmanship, uniquely gifted for the good works You prepared in advance for me to do.