Sunday 10:30AM
Service Times
Life Group Leaders
You don't need to have it all together to lead a Life Group—you just have to be willing to let God use you. Life Groups are about building intentional relationships through Christ by doing life together.
If you are interested in becoming a Life Group leader, please complete the Life Group Leader Application. We will have regular training events for all Life Group leaders to help equip those God has called to serve as a Life Group Leader to effectively guide discussions, host a group, and facilitate through the Waterfront Life Group mission.
Upcoming Events
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Life Groups COMING SOON!
Life Groups are about building intentional relationships through Christ by doing life together. Community is how Christianity is supposed to be lived out. We are not meant to walk through life or our faith alone. Life groups are where we can find support, comfort, encouragement, guidance, correction, transformation, and companionship. Most of our life groups will meet weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader's home). We try to keep them limited to about 12 people.
What is a life group?
While rows are great for Sunday Services, life changes happen in circles. Those “circles” are life groups. A life group is a group of about 6 to 10 people who want to grow spiritually and to connect with others who are going in the same direction. A life group provides a place to develop rich relationships with people, to get to know them and be known. It’s also a place to learn more about God and about how to deepen your relationship with Him. Life group members are there to encourage and support each other through this spiritual journey and in the day-to-day challenges of life.
Why should I join a group?
There is no such thing as a healthy, growing, lone-ranger Christian. Our hope is that as we launch life groups everyone in our church will join to you will learn more about God, develop relationships with other believers, and have the chance to serve other people through volunteering. All of these things, combined with your faithful prayer and Bible study, will work together to help you become a fully developing follower of Jesus Christ.
Are all life groups the same?
Life groups are as varied as the individuals who attend them! We hope to have all kinds of groups because we have all kinds of people. You’ll find groups for married couples, men, women, young adults, and even activity groups. Within each of these group types, you’ll find a wide variety of topics and approaches. Every group has its own personality.
How long does a life group meeting last?
A typical life group will meet from an hour and a half to two hours. This varies among life groups, and this may sometimes change when there are special events included in the life group meeting (such as having a meal together). When you contact a life group leader about their group, they can tell you how long it typically lasts.
is a community of ordinary people from all walks of life who want to serve
God and share with the world the power of His transforming love.
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Check out Rebecca's podcast for encouragement and wisdom to apply in your walk with Christ.